Welcome to the Spider Bees Platform

#1 business platform to serve professional, talented and entrepreneur

Why join us?

  • Join us and enjoy a range of distinctive services provided to owners, entrepreneurs and professionals
  • SpiderBees platform is the most distinguished business partner. Subscribe now to the platform and get many special services
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SpiderBees Community

#1 Platform for Talented, Professional and Entrepreneur


It is an integrated business community and through your active participation, you keep updated with everything new in your career and share your previous work.


Exchanging experiences and information in your field of work and giving you the opportunity to expand your professional relationships to ensure that you get new clients for your company

Why let SpiderBees select your employees?

Recruitment services for companies

We offer you the service of selecting and introducing employees to your company, which will save you and every employer time and effort.SpiderBees team will undertake the task of searching for the required employees according to the terms and experiences appropriate for each job. Our team will also conduct initial personal interviews for the applicants to ensure that they confirm their eligibility for the offered jobs.

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Why let us hire you

recruitment services for job seekers

One of the most important distinguished services provided by the platform is the employment service for individuals, in order to help every searcher for a new and appropriate job opportunity to find the desired job.

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Registering a personal account on our platform gives you the following advantages

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Create your own professional CV on our website


Possibility to apply for all available jobs and choose between them


You have the opportunity to develop your professional and personal skills by attending the educational courses offered and presented on the platform for free for all our subscribers


Your complete personal account gives us and companies priority in choosing your explanation and acceptance, and it makes it easier for us to quickly communicate with you to determine job interviews


Information bank

To complement the course of the services we provide, we are keen to provide a section to develop skills and raise personal competencies for members of SpiderBees. The platform’s data bank contains hundreds of free educational courses divided into groups according to each specialty More Info>>

This section serves two classes

First Category
People looking to learn new skills in free environment
Second Class
Educational content makers The department gives them the opportunity to present scientific content on the platform and achieve independent financial income through watching their courses

Save money and effort in creating and promoting an expensive independent website that needs a lot of work


Get now an online store on SpiderBees platform without any steps to create, just register an account with our platform


With creation of your account on the platform, it will automatically create an online marketplace on your account for free and without paying any fees for setting up

Create your online Marketplace for free

Do you need an online store to display services and products?

Enjoy the benefits of having an online store and display your services or products that you sell

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E-programs affiliated with the platform to organize the work of companies

Calls & Visits

It is a customer relationship management system aims to help companies improve and manage business relationship between sales team and existing clients and raising the percentage of new clients

  • Save customer information
  • Save and share each customer's notes and make reports
  • Call charges statement and report
  • Recording visits
  • GPS(Track outdoor sales team location)
  • Share and send photos
  • Statement and report of results

Task Management

It specializes in managing and organizing team tasks, and it is an electronic workspace that includes members of a company's team to help them organize the work of projects and periodic tasks of the company

  • Allow the team manager and leader to monitor his team's performance
  • Divide the tasks between them
  • Arrange work tasks in order of priority
  • Schedule a timeline with a start and end date for each task

Financial Documents

It is a program for issuing electronic invoices, quotations and purchase orders

  • Create and export Reportsع
  • Send invoices and quotations via e-mail with the ability to save them in PDF format
  • Save the dates of bills and offers with the ability to return to them at any time

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